
【20230805研討會】2023 International Kaohsiung Liver Forum

The organizing committee warmly welcomes you to participate in the 2023 International Kaohsiung Liver Forum, scheduled to be held on August 5-6, 2023, at National Sun Yat-sen University in Kaohsiung, Taiwan (R.O.C).

Themed as "Challenges and Advances in Modern Hepatology", the 2023 International Kaohsiung Liver Forum aims to bring together epidemiologists, clinicians, and basic researchers who have made significant contributions to the cutting-edge scientific evidence in the field of hepatology, including HBV, HCV, HCC, and MAFLD.

Through knowledge sharing and active engagement, we aspire to propel the management of HCC into a new era. Moreover, this forum aims to deepen our understanding of hepatology and provide an opportunity for participants to establish new connections, forge acquaintances, and strengthen personal friendships with professionals from around the world.

We sincerely appreciate your participation and look forward to a fruitful and enriching experience for all. Thank you for your support and cooperation.

會議時間:2023年08月05日(六) 13:00-18:00/2023年08月06日(日) 08:30-12:30

會議地點:國立中山大學 國際研究大樓 光中廳(高雄市鼓山區蓮海路70號)

學分申請:台灣內科醫學會B類10分 、台灣消化系醫學會B類5分、台灣專科護理師積分7.4分、台灣專科護理師(士)積分 7.4分、高醫大教師成長4點、高醫院內繼續教育9.3小時、醫檢師全聯會(申請中)

交通資訊:於橘線捷運西子灣站下車,由2號出口出站(鼓山一路)轉搭轉乘公車橘1,至本校行政大樓下車 (每 30 分鐘一班)


8/5(六) 20:30 西子灣沙灘會館 → 碧港良居 → 捷運西子灣站

8/6(日) 08:25 碧港良居 → 國立中山大學 國際研究大樓

8/6(日) 12:30 國立中山大學 國際研究大樓 → 捷運西子灣站 → 捷運高鐵站


